Range Registers
Name Start Address Type Access
AIN#(0:13)_RANGE 40000 FLOAT32 R/W
- Starting Address: 40000
The range/span of each analog input. Write the highest expected input voltage.
  • Data type: FLOAT32  (type index = 3)
  • Readable and writable
  • Default value: 0
  • T8:
    • Specify the maximum expected voltage. The T8 will select the best gain for the expected voltage. Maximum: ±11.0V, Minimum: ±0.018V
  • T7:
    • Valid values/ranges: 0.0=Default → ±10V. 10.0 → ±10V, 1.0 → ±1V, 0.1 → ±0.1V, and 0.01 → ±0.01V.
  • T4:
    • Valid values/ranges: 0.0=Default → 0-2.5 V on LV lines and ±10 V on HV lines.
Expanded Names Addresses
AIN0_RANGE, AIN1_RANGE, AIN2_RANGE, AIN3_RANGE, AIN4_RANGE, AIN5_RANGE, AIN6_RANGE, AIN7_RANGE, AIN8_RANGE, AIN9_RANGE, AIN10_RANGE, AIN11_RANGE, AIN12_RANGE, AIN13_RANGE Show All 40000, 40002, 40004, 40006, 40008, 40010, 40012, 40014, 40016, 40018, 40020, 40022, 40024, 40026 Show All
- Address: 43900
A write to this global parameter affects all AIN. A read will return the correct setting if all channels are set the same, but otherwise will return -9999.
  • Data type: FLOAT32  (type index = 3)
  • Readable and writable
  • Default value: 0
  • T8:
    • Specify the maximum expected voltage. The T8 will select the best gain for the expected voltage. Maximum: ±11.0V, Minimum: ±0.018V
    • Minimum firmware version: 1.0000
  • T7:
    • Valid values/ranges: 0.0=Default → ±10V. 10.0 → ±10V, 1.0 → ±1V, 0.1 → ±0.1V, and 0.01 → ±0.01V.
    • Minimum firmware version: 0.9328
  • T4:
    • Valid values/ranges: 0.0=Default → 0-2.5 V on LV lines and ±10 V on HV lines.